The Rooms
We have two large rooms at Peapod
Pre-School: 'Petits Pois' for children aged 2-3 and 'Sweet Peas' for those aged 3-4. Experiences and activities are tailored to the children's ages.

Petits Pois
A room for children aged 2 to 3 years
- 4 Staff (1 Supervisor)
- Ratio 1:4 staff to children
- Up to 17 children

Bonnie is our friendly pet rabbit who stays in Petits Pois room and is a source of comfort for the children, especially when they first settle into Pre-School.
For children aged 2-3 years old, Petits Pois room has a cosy, home-like quality to make children feel comfortable in their new environment.
For some children it may be the first time they have spent time apart from their families. Parents and carers can be reassured that staff form caring relationships with the children they look after, providing warmth and comfort, whilst attending to their individual needs.
We provide lots of stimulating small group activities, including messy play, that invite the children to explore new experiences, supporting formative social skills that help with their communication and emotional development.

Sweet Peas
A room for children aged 3 to 4 years
- 4 Staff (1 Supervisor)
- Ratio 1:6 staff to children
- 24 children

A construction and small world activity in Sweet Peas room, ideal for children's imaginative skills, enabling them to set up scenarios and take on roles as they play.
A fun and happy environment, the Sweet Peas room for 3-4 year olds, offers a variety of activities and resources designed to challenge and inspire the children.
Friendly and approachable staff encourage the children's developing confidence and language as they become more interested in forming friendships and engaging in imaginative play. This focus on social skills helps to support the children with their transition to school, with the emphasis on building resilience, independence and self-belief.
Small world, role play, construction and crafts are just some of the activities that support children’s problem-solving and critical thinking skills, skills they will use when they go on to school.