Communication Hub
The children were excited to feed the alpacas when they came to visit us. We learnt lots of new words, including: 'crea' and 'macho'. Go to our news page to find out more.
We organise events outside of Peapod that are open to the community. The Mishmash team provided a variety of outdoor activities, including story tent, painting, sensory and small world play.
Peapod is involved in an exciting Norwich-based project with lots of local schools and settings to support and improve young children’s communication skills.
What is a Communication Hub?
The Communication Champion Project is one part of the Norwich Opportunity Area, launched by the Government to improve the life chances of local children. The aim of the project is to support children's early speech and language development, giving them the skills they need to communicate, enabling them to reach their full potential both in school and in their future walks of life.
Sarah and Fran are trained Communication Champions and knowledge is shared with our staff, parents and the community in order to support our children and families. In 2019, Peapod became a Hub school, offering a point of contact for families with young children to ask for advice and support around communication.
We aim for parents and carers to become aware of developmental norms so increasing early identification and intervention. We have provided lots of fun and varied experiences for our children and the local community. Broadening children’s knowledge through shared memorable experiences provides exciting things to talk about and expands understanding of descriptive vocabulary. Elsa from ‘Frozen’ has come to sing with the children, we have had visits from alpacas and bats, a family yoga session and outdoor event with Mishmash. We hold parent coffee groups, giving opportunities to share worries and experiences with others in the same position.