Looking After Your Child

Your child will be allocated a Key Person. Each Key Person is responsible for working with a small group of children, giving them the reassurance to feel safe and cared for, and building trusting relationships with you as their parents/carers.

Your child’s Key Person will regularly talk to you to make sure that your child is being cared for appropriately while they are with us. If you have any questions or concerns, or need to pass on information about any issues, please talk to your child’s Key Person or to one of the Room Supervisors or Managers. We are here to help.


Emma actively listens and responds to her key child as she explains she has made "a phone" and is "talking to Mummy." 


The children love it when we immerse ourselves in their play. Patient Sally is being looked after as she has "broken bones."


Tasha supports cooperative skills, including turn taking and listening to each other as she leads a group game.